
Spelunking in Son Doong: Descending into the belly of the world's largest cave


Son Doong Cave

I've always been fascinated by caves. The idea of hidden worlds tucked away beneath the earth's surface, spelunking through dark passageways, and emerging into hidden chambers filled with natural wonders has always sparked a sense of adventure in me. So, when the opportunity to visit Son Doong Cave, the world's largest cave, arose, I knew I couldn't miss it.

Son Doong Cave is located in Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park in Quảng Bình Province, Vietnam. It was first discovered in 1990 by a local man named Ho Khanh, but it wasn't until 2009 that a British caving expedition fully explored the cave and brought it to the world's attention. Son Doong is massive – so large that it could fit a Boeing 747 inside, with room to spare. It is 5 km (3.1 mi) long, 200 meters (656 ft) high, and 150 meters (492 ft) wide. The cave is home to its own ecosystem, including a jungle with trees reaching up to 30 meters (98 ft) tall and an underground river.

Reaching Son Doong is no easy feat. The cave is located in a remote area of the national park, and the only way to get there is by joining a tour with a licensed operator. Oxalis Adventure Tours is the only company authorized to take tourists into Son Doong Cave. The tours are all-inclusive and typically last for 7 days and 6 nights. They are physically demanding, and participants need to be in good physical condition.

The tour begins with a briefing and safety session at the Oxalis office in Phong Nha. From there, we were transported to the starting point of the trek, which is a village located near the entrance to the cave. The trek to the cave entrance is itself an adventure, taking us through lush jungle terrain and across several rivers.

Once we arrived at the cave entrance, we were met by our porters and guides. We donned our headlamps, helmets, and other gear and began our descent into the cave. The entrance is a massive sinkhole, and the descent is quite steep. There are ropes and ladders to help you down, but it is still a challenging climb.

Once inside the cave, the scale of Son Doong is truly awe-inspiring. The walls are massive, and the ceiling is so high that it is often lost in darkness. The cave is home to a variety of unique formations, including stalactites, stalagmites, and giant curtains. There is also an underground river that flows through the cave, and in some places, the passage is so wide that it feels like you are walking through a giant cathedral.

The tour includes several camping stays inside the cave. The campsites are set up in large chambers with sandy floors and surrounded by towering rock formations. The experience of sleeping inside the world's largest cave is truly unforgettable.

During the tour, we also had the opportunity to swim in the cave's underground river, explore some of the cave's side passages, and visit the "Wall of Vietnam," a massive wall formation that is said to resemble the map of Vietnam.

After 7 days of exploring Son Doong, we emerged from the cave entrance blinking in the sunlight. It was an incredible experience, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to explore this natural wonder.

Location - google map

Son Doong Cave

Son Doong Cave

Son Doong Cave

Photo credits- oxalisadventure

Getting There:

  • Flying: Several airlines offer direct flights to Dong Hoi Airport (DNH) from major cities in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

  • Transfers: Booking your tour with Oxalis Adventure Tours typically includes airport pickup and drop-off at Dong Hoi Airport. Alternatively, taxis and private transfers are readily available at the airport.

  • Bus: Public buses operate from Dong Hoi to Phong Nha, offering a budget-friendly option. However, this requires factoring in additional travel time and coordination upon arrival.


  • Camping: While no hotels or resorts are located near Son Doong Cave, the tour includes comfortable camping arrangements within the cave itself. Oxalis provides tents, sleeping mats, and basic amenities for a safe and comfortable stay.

  • Alternative options: If you prefer staying outside the cave before or after the tour, several guesthouses and homestays are available in Phong Nha Town, offering various budget options.


  • Meals included: The tour price typically covers all meals during the expedition. You can expect a mix of Vietnamese and Western cuisine prepared by experienced chefs and porters, catering to dietary restrictions with prior notice.

  • Additional options: While snacks and drinks are usually included, consider bringing some personal favorites for a personalized touch, especially if you have specific dietary needs.


  • Tour price breakdown: The $3,000 USD per person price tag typically includes:
    • Permits and entrance fees
    • Professional guides and porters
    • Camping equipment and supplies
    • Meals and drinks
    • Safety equipment (helmet, headlamp, harness)
    • Transportation to the starting point

  • Additional expenses: Be prepared for potential extra costs like travel insurance, personal gear upgrades, souvenirs, and airport transfers if not included in your tour package.

Things to Bring:

  • Essential items:
    • Sturdy hiking shoes with good grip for uneven terrain
    • Backpack (comfortable for carrying personal belongings)
    • Warm clothes (layers are recommended, as cave temperatures can be cool)
    • Swimsuit and quick-drying towel
    • Headlamp with extra batteries
    • Camera with waterproof case (optional)
    • Personal toiletries (sunscreen, insect repellent, etc.)
  • Recommended items:
    • Water bottle (reusable)
    • Comfortable hiking clothes
    • First-aid kit
    • Cash for any additional expenses
    • Personal medications

Son Doong Cave

Photo credits- oxalisadventure

Traveler Protection Tips for Son Doong Cave:

While Son Doong Cave offers an unforgettable adventure, prioritizing your safety is crucial. Here are some essential tips for traveler protection:

Before you go:

  • Physical fitness: Be honest about your physical capabilities. Son Doong Cave exploration is physically demanding, requiring good stamina and agility.

  • Health: Ensure you are in good health and consult your doctor before embarking on this strenuous adventure, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

  • Travel insurance: Invest in comprehensive travel insurance covering medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and baggage loss.

  • Research and preparation: Thoroughly research the tour operator, Oxalis Adventure Tours, and their safety protocols. Familiarize yourself with the cave environment, potential hazards, and emergency procedures.

  • Pack appropriately: Pack sturdy hiking shoes, warm layers, a headlamp, a first-aid kit, and essential medications. Consider bringing a waterproof camera case and a reusable water bottle.

During the tour:

  • Follow instructions: Listen attentively to your guides and strictly follow their instructions regarding safety measures and cave etiquette.

  • Stay alert: Maintain situational awareness and be mindful of your surroundings. Avoid venturing off designated paths or exploring unauthorized areas.

  • Use provided equipment: Utilize the provided safety equipment (helmet, headlamp, harness) properly throughout the exploration.

  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated, especially in the warm and humid cave environment.

  • Communicate concerns: Don't hesitate to voice any concerns or questions you may have to your guides. Their expertise and support are crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience.


  • Respect the environment: Son Doong Cave is a unique and fragile ecosystem. Respect the cave environment by following the leave-no-trace principles and refraining from touching formations or disturbing the wildlife.

  • Be prepared for unexpected situations: While the tours are well-organized, be prepared for potential delays or changes in itinerary due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. Remain flexible and adaptable.

By following these tips and prioritizing safety throughout your Son Doong Cave exploration, you can ensure a memorable and enriching adventure.

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